Postfix TLSRPT Howto

Table of Contents


The TLSRPT protocol is defined in RFC 8460. With this, an email receiving domain can publish a policy in DNS, and request daily summary reports for successful and failed SMTP over TLS connections to that domain's MX hosts. Support for TLSRPT was added in Postfix 3.10.

A policy example looks like this: IN TXT "v=TLSRPTv1;"

Translation: email sending systems are requested to generate daily summaries of successful and failed SMTP over TLS connections to domain, and to report those summaries via email to the specified address. Instead of mailto:, a policy may specify an https: destination.

The high-level diagram shows how Postfix reports summaries to domains that publish a TLSRPT policy.

Postfix SMTP and
TLS client engines
--> TLSRPT client
--> TLSRPT summary
--> Email or HTTP

When Postfix TLSRPT support is enabled (with "smtp_tlsrpt_enable = yes"):

The TLSRPT client library and report generator are maintained by sys4.

The Postfix implementation supports both DANE (Postfix built-in) and MTA-STS (through an smtp_tls_policy_maps plug-in).

The Postfix smtp(8) client process implements the SMTP client engine. With "smtp_tls_connection_reuse = no", the smtp(8) client process also implements the TLS client engine. With "smtp_tls_connection_reuse = yes", the smtp(8) client process delegates TLS processing to a Postfix tlsproxy(8) process. Either way, Postfix will generate the exact same TLSRPT events.

Building Postfix with TLSRPT support

These instructions assume that you build Postfix from source code as described in the INSTALL document. Some modification may be required if you build Postfix from a vendor-specific source package.

The Postfix TLSRPT client builds on a TLSRPT client library whose source code can be obtained from:

The library is typically installed as a header file in /usr/local/include/tlsrpt.h and an object library in /usr/local/lib/libtlsrpt.a or /usr/local/lib/ The actual pathnames will depend on OS platform conventions.

In order to build Postfix with TLSRPT support, you will need to add compiler options -DUSE_TLSRPT (to build with TLSRPT support), and -I (with the directory containing the tlsrpt.h header file), and you will need to add linker options to link with the TLSRPT client library, for example:

make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
  "CCARGS=-DUSE_TLSRPT -I/usr/local/include" \
  "AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -ltlsrpt"

Then, just run 'make'.

Note: if your build command line already has CCARGS or AUXLIBS settings, then simply append the above settings to the existing CCARGS or AUXLIBS values.

make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
  "CCARGS=existing settings... -DUSE_TLSRPT -I/usr/local/include" \
  "AUXLIBS=existing settings... -L/usr/local/lib -ltlsrpt"

Turning on TLSRPT

After installing Postfix TLSRPT support, you can enable TLSRPT support in like this:

smtp_tlsrpt_enable = yes
smtp_tlsrpt_socket_name = /path/to/socket

The smtp_tlsrpt_socket_name parameter specifies an absolute pathname, or a pathname that is relative to $queue_directory.

Note: the recommended socket location is still to be determined. A good socket location would be under the Postfix queue directory, for example: "smtp_tlsrpt_socket_name = run/tlsrpt/tlsrpt.sock". The advantage of using a relative name is that it will work equally well whether or not Postfix chroot is turned on.

Do not specify a location under a directory such as private or public that is already used by Postfix programs. Only Postfix programs should create sockets there.

TLSRPT Status logging

With TLSRPT support turned on, the Postfix TLSRPT client will not only report an event to an invisible daily success/fail summary queue, but it will also log a visible record to the mail logfile.

Below are a few examples of logging from a Postfix SMTP client or tlsproxy daemon:

TLSRPT: status=success,,[ipaddr]
TLSRPT: status=failure,,[ipaddr],
TLSRPT: status=failure,,[ipaddr],
    failure_type=validation_failure, failure_reason=self-signed_certificate


Delivering TLSRPT summaries via email

RFC 8460 Section 3 specifies that an MTA must not enforce TLS security when sending failure reports via email. Postfix currently has no way to request that TLS enforcement will be disabled when submitting an email message.


MTA-STS Support via smtp_tls_policy_maps

Postfix supports MTA-STS though an smtp_tls_policy_maps policy plugin, which replies with a TLS security level and optional matching requirements. Postfix 3.10 and later optionally also accept the name=value attributes described below. Specify { name = value } when a value may contain whitespace.

Note 1: Postfix 3.10 and later will accept these attributes in an MTA-STS response even if TLSRPT support is disabled (at build time or run time). With TLSRPT support turned off, Postfix will use the ttl and policy_failure attributes, and will ignore the attributes that are used only for TLSRPT.

Note 2: It is an error to specify these attributes for a non-STS policy.

The examples in the table apply to the MTA-STS policy example given in RFC 8461 Section 3.2:

version: STSv1
mode: enforce
mx: *
max_age: 604800

A policy response may contain line breaks.


The Postfix TLSRPT implementation reports only TLS handshake success or failure. It does not report failure to connect, or connections that break before or after a TLS handshake.

The Postfix TLSRPT implementation reports at most one final TLS handshake status (either 'success' or 'failure') per SMTP connection. Postfix TLSRPT will not report a recoverable failure and then later report a final status of 'success' for that same connection. The reason is that it's too complicated to filter TLS errors and to report error details from the TLS engine back to the SMTP protocol engine. It just is not how Postfix works internally.
